Along side scott,trevor,michelle,owen and connor.
1st game up with owen scoring one and shell scoring 2 and scott in goals only letting in 2 goals which could of been more if it wasnt for jess and connor giving it there all in defence.
2nd game
Scott scoring 4 and conner 2
With tim and sam battling it out in defence and trevor in goals only letting 2 goals again pass them..
3rd game we decided to get a sub on ready to give the 1st timers ago all together at half time.. starting of with scott trevor connor tim and sam the game got a little harder but the team didnt give up and battled to half time against a strong penrith team losing 5/0 so swapping scott with jess sam and tim picked it up in defence and trevor making ALOT of saves only letting in 3 more. Owen and jess both making some great efforts at shooting with close misses made it 8/0
The final game was the play offs with coming 2nd in our group, we played 2nd in the other group,
First half started with trevor (goals) connor, shell (defence) owen, scott up front... facing Lancaster A team.
Scott and owen both making shots but not going in, lancaster manage to get 5, could of been more if it wasnt for defence from all and trevor, swapping about at half time jess comes on in defence with Scott, shell moves up, trevor comes out gets the ball to shell who makes a quick pass to owen, who took the shot to score,
One Lancaster lad looking shocked and said wow that was good...
Making the final score 7/1
Giving us 4th place over all.. we set out just not to come last with having 5 juniors on the team 3 of which that have never played before, which all did a fantastic job
shout outs for your own personal moment like sam and tim in defence getting your paddles in the way to stop shots jess for breaking through and having a shot, connor for your shooting and battling for the ball owen for finally sharing the ball to set others up to score haha, oh and your shooting and sprints at the start of games, trevor in goals and scott when the ball hit you on the head and you fell in hahaha sorry I mean being a massive support to all
well done all.
See you next time"
Trevor and michelle